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Types of Membership

All our members support and contribute to the vision, mission, values and objectives of the Commonwealth 8.7 Network to eradicate contemporary forms of slavery.  A significant percentage of our work is conducted in or connected to Commonwealth countries.
We offer the following types of membership:

Principal members

Civil society organisations that work to address issues related to modern slavery, operating predominantly locally or nationally

Associate members

Civil society organisations that are not eligible for Principal membership, as well as academic and research institutions, trade unions, networks, local businesses and NHRIs

Individual members

Individuals who have relevant knowledge, expertise, and experience which is substantively connected to the aims of the Network, and includes survivors

Principal members

Civil society organisations that work to address issues related to modern slavery, operating predominantly locally or nationally

Principal members are organisations that primarily work on modern slavery, including human trafficking, sex trafficking, forced labour, bonded labour or debt bondage, domestic servitude, forced marriage, worst forms of child labour, unlawful recruitment and use of child soldiers.


Definition. A Principal member may be any of the following types of organisations operating predominantly locally or nationally:  

  • Civil society organisations

  • Non-governmental organisations

  • Charities / Not for profit organisations 

  • Community-based organisations

  • Faith-based organisations

  • Trade unions

  • Professional associations

  • Regional or national networks or coalitions

  • Small-to-medium sized enterprises with social or environmental missions

Rights and Obligations. Principal members shall:

  • undertake innovative actions in line with the objectives of the 8.7 Network and towards the achievement of SDG Target 8.7

  • participate in the activities (mobilisation, campaigning, capacity building, advocacy, research, awareness raising, resource development) of the 8.7 Network

  • attend meetings of the 8.7 Network, including the Annual General Meeting (AGM)

  • collaborate with 8.7 Network members, the Management Committee and the Secretariat

  • actively share knowledge, ideas and good practices with 8.7 Network members

  • promote the 8.7 Network

  • actively participate in the development of regional strategies and action plans of the 8.7 Network

  • seek opportunities for collaboration and partnership with other 8.7 Network members in the achievement of SDG Target 8.7

  • elect a regional representative to the Management Committee, who has the authority to represent the regional members of the Network from time to time

  • have voting rights at the AGM (one vote per member organisation)

  • may use the 8.7 Network logo, only with the approval of the Secretariat and in strict accordance with the logo use guidelines

  • pay annual membership fees, if required

Membership Fee: There is no fee to maintain Principal membership status.

See members
Principal members

Associate members
Civil society organisations that are not eligible for Principal membership, as well as academic and research institutions, trade unions, networks, local businesses and NHRIs

Associate members are organisations that: 

- are based in the Commonwealth, and work on issues related to modern slavery, OR

- are based outside of the Commonwealth, and work primarily on issues related to modern slavery. 

Definition. An Associate member may be any of the following types of organisations and/or institutions: 

  • Civil society organisations, not eligible for principal membership status 

  • Academic, learning and research institutions 

  • Social partners (workers’ and employers’ organisations)

  • Trade unions, not eligible for principal membership status 

  • Professional associations, not eligible for principal membership status

  • National human rights institutions (NHRIs) 

  • Multi-stakeholder networks 

  • Global or regional non-governmental organisations, inter-governmental institutions or initiatives

  • UN agencies and entities

  • Donor agencies and foundations

  • Public and private donors

  • Entities, organisations or institutions from other sectors, as agreed by the Management Committee

Rights and Obligations.  Associate members shall: 

  • undertake innovative actions in line with the objectives of the 8.7 Network and towards the achievement of SDG Target 8.7

  • support the activities of the 8.7 Network 

  • share knowledge, ideas and good practices with 8.7 Network members

  • contribute to the development of regional strategies and action plans of the 8.7 Network

  • engage in collaboration and partnership with other 8.7 Network members in the achievement of SDG Target 8.7

  • attend meetings of the 8.7 Network, including the AGM, at the invitation of the Management Committee

  • pay annual membership fees, if required


Associate members shall not have voting rights in the election of members to the Management Committee or with respect to any decisions taken at the AGM. 

Membership Fee. Currently there is no fee payable to maintain Associate membership status. In the future, a fee may be levied to all Associate members in accordance with the Membership Fee Schedule as set by the Management Committee, and amended from time to time. 

Associate members

Individual members
Individuals who have relevant knowledge, expertise, and experience which is substantively connected to the aims of the Network, and includes survivors. Individual membership is granted by invitation only by the Management Committee.

Definition. An Individual member is a person who has relevant knowledge, expertise, and experience which is substantively connected to aims of the Network and to the Commonwealth, and can include:  

  • Victims and survivors of contemporary forms of slavery or human trafficking

  • Academics and researchers 

  • Other experts 

Individual membership is granted by invitation only by the Management Committee. 

Rights and Obligations. Individual members shall: 

  • contribute to the objectives of the 8.7 Network and towards the achievement of SDG Target 8.7

  • support the activities of the 8.7 Network, including research and advocacy

  • share knowledge, ideas and good practices with 8.7 Network members

  • promote the 8.7 Network 

  • contribute to the development of regional strategies and action plans of the 8.7 Network

  • engage in collaboration and partnership with other 8.7 Network members in the achievement of SDG Target 8.7

  • attend 8.7 Network meetings, including the AGM, at the invitation of the Management Committee  

  • pay annual membership fees, if required. 

Individual members shall not have voting rights in the election of members to the Management Committee or with respect to any decisions taken at the AGM. Individual members may not use the logo of the Commonwealth 8.7 Network. 

Membership Fee. Currently there is no fee payable to maintain Individual membership status. In the future, a fee may be levied to all Individual members in accordance with the Membership Fee Schedule as set by the Management Committee, and amended from time to time. Members who are victims or survivors of contemporary forms of slavery or human trafficking are exempt from paying a membership fee.

Individual members
Observer members
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